Speed Dating is a series where we get to know some of our favorite brand ambassadors, whether they’re artists, designers, entrepreneurs, activists, or full-time parents! Today in the hot seat is Jessica Lighter (@celebrationstylist), a party planner, lifestyle blogger, and loving mother!

“I’m a party stylist turned blogger/influencer. I’m also a wife, mama of two little girls, home decor enthusiast, and Disney lover who lives in sunny South Florida. I love decorating and celebrating!

We asked Jessica to sit back and relax on her new Tuxedo Sofa in Stone and answer some of our burning questions. 

Round 1:
Lightning Round

room with a grey sofa, pink and white pillows, purple ottoman, plant, gold side table, white table, paintings and white rug

What is your hometown?
Fort Lauderdale, FL

What show(s) are you currently binging?
‘The Bachelor’

What’s your lucky number?

Are you an early bird or night owl?
Night Owl for sure, I’m always up late

If you could sing a duet with anyone, who would it be?
Hmmm…. Taylor Swift!

What’s your dream vacation destination?
Santorini – it looks so beautiful!

What do you collect, if anything?
I don’t collect anything. I’m a serial “thrower-outer”.

What is your life’s motto?
Done is better than perfect. #momlife

Round 2:

room with a grey sofa, pink and white pillows, purple ottoman, plant, gold side table, white table, paintings and white rug

Beer or wine?
Wine, usually red

Springsteen or Jay-Z?
Jay-Z, I just saw him in concert last year!

Stripes or solids?
Ohhh... that’s a tough one, it depends! But I guess I’ll say solids, it’s a safe bet.

Cats or dogs?
We have cats but one day want a dog

Favorite color and least favorite color?
Pink is my favorite forever and chocolate brown is my least favorite

What’s your favorite ice cream flavor?
Birthday cake

Favorite junk food?
Cake, hence the answer above! haha

Favorite song to sing in the shower?
‘Dance With Somebody’ by Whitney Houston

Favorite smell?

Round 3:
Don’t Even Go There…

woman and two young girls sitting on grey sofa with pillows

What’s the most embarrassing song we could find in your music collection?
Probably ‘Baby Got Back’

If you could be on one reality show which one would it be?
My own ;-)

What’s a hidden talent you have?
Oh Gosh... I’m not a terrible singer actually

Who is your style icon?
Kate Middleton... I adore her

Who would you want to play in the movie version of your life?
I’m going to go with Isla Fisher based on hair color alone

Round 4:
Sinner or Saint?

woman and young girl sitting on grey sofa with another young girl on white rug

What’s your guilty pleasure?
Watching ‘Keeping Up With The Kardashians’...eek, don’t judge me!

What is your spirit animal?
Flamingos for sure

What superpower would you want and why?
To fly! Because how cool would that be? That’s been my dream superpower since I was little.

What is your biggest pet peeve?
When people say they are going to do something and then don’t

Who is the most famous person you follow on Twitter or Instagram?
Joanna Gaines maybe? I love her so much!

Who is the most famous person that follows you on Twitter or Instagram?
Tori Spelling!

If you could have drinks with any 3 people, living or dead, who would they be?
Walt Disney, Ellen DeGeneres, and Joanna Gaines

Apt2B Products Featured: Tuxedo Sofa in STONE with Espresso Legs | GOLDEN GEO Coffee Table by Elisabeth Fredriksson | Valentine Side Table COPPER

Website: thecelebrationstylist.com
Instagram: @celebrationstylist
Twitter: @Celebrationsty
YouTube: Celebration Stylist
Facebook: CelebrationStylist

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